Pitch Six Belay Glasses review The best glasses on the marketing in my option is the PitchSix EyeSend Belay Glasses. Not only are they made in the United States. They have an adjustable view to change how far you can see up the pitch. That is where the name comes from as well. You can keep your eye complete straight without bending your neck at all, saving you from getting the belayers’ neck, which can cause issues down the road. We were hesitant to spend the money on the glasses since they are $95 and you can find other glasses for around 20-40, but the different rock climbing glasses didn’t hold up to the PitchSix brand.
Pitch Six Belay glasses are the only rock climbing googles offering a movable prism. This characteristic lets you set the range of view from 60 degrees to 120 overhangs with a move of a lever, sparing you from arching your neck at all. The glasses feel relaxed and healthy balanced. The box design drapes nicely on the harness and incorporates a quick-close Velcro flap and a durable ½ webbing addition strap that won’t wear out.