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STRAP TQ Carrier

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S.T.R.Ap – Shock Cord Tourniquet Retention Apparatus




Grey man Tactical is proud to be partnered with the Veteran/LEO owned S.T.R.Ap to distribute their innovative yet simple Shock cord Tourniquet Retention Apparatus (S.T.R.Ap, patent pending).

The S.T.R.Ap is a stand alone vertical mounting device for mounting any type of tourniquet against a MOLLE paneled platform. It provides a firm and proven mounting point, but allows for rapid deployment of the retained device.

You can STRAP just about anything to your RIP-M with this innovative mounting strap…

Use S.T.R.Ap Mounting Adapters to modify where and how you can mount it..

The S.T.R.Ap also has other uses as it is able to hold just about anything with an allowable circumference (think flashlights, knives, det cord, magazines, incendiaries, rifle slings, and other random shaped or bundled objects).


-Cord: 31″ continuous UV Resistant Shock Cord

-Kydex Pull Tab

-Rubber Boot


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